Are you putting off tasks?

Do you ever find yourself putting off doing something that you don’t really want to do? Have you got some tasks on your to-do-list which keep recurring day after day, week after week, simply because they just seem so daunting? Try breaking large tasks into manageable chunks to make them easier to do. Before you know it, you will have go the whole task finished! Then it is important to reward yourself; a simple pat on the back will do!

If you want to stop putting off tasks and getting them off your to-do-list, but don’t know where to start, contact to start a conversation to find out how we can help you.

Feeling busy – feeling anxious?

Do you ever feel your anxiety and stress levels rising when you are in really busy period? Have you got so many tasks on your to-do-list, that you don’t even know where to start? Have you stopped using your to-do-list because there is so much to do? People who can get organised when their lives are busy are generally more resilient and can bounce back more easily from challenges or difficulties.

If you want to create order out of chaos, but don’t know where to start, contact to start a conversation to find out how we can help you.

Develop a Personal Resilience Toolkit

Some people are more resilient than others and can cope with life’s challenges more easily. But the good news it you can build your resilience and develop a Personal Resilience Toolkit in four simple steps:

Step one: be self-aware
Understand the strengths you have and when and how to use them. The good news is you can easily identify your strengths to help you on your journey to increasing your wellbeing and becoming more resilient.

Step two: positive mind-set
Having an optimistic style is key to resilience and helps us bounce back from set-backs. The good news is you can change your thinking patterns and develop a positive mind-set.

Step three: have great support networks
Having a great network of support is key to strengthen wellbeing and build resilience – you need to know who to turn to in an emergency or who to turn to celebrate your successes. The good news is, you will already have great support networks, you just need to let them know who they are. Remember, just as you rely on others, others will also rely on you for support.

Step four: make things happen
Having plans is a key to great wellbeing and high levels of resilience – but you need to put those plans into action and make things happen! Don’t worry, you are not one your own; your support networks will help you achieve what you want to achieve.

Contact to start a conversation to find out how we can help you build your own personal resilience toolkit.

How quickly do you bounce back from a stressful situation?

Have you ever noticed that some people can get over stress much easier and quicker than others? But other people hold on to stress and negative emotions for days, weeks, months or even years!

Our brains are the most amazing things; they keep up alive without us even having to think about it. But our brain can also send our mind into over-drive by worrying or mulling over stressful events that have happened in the past; it can even get us worrying about future events and things that haven’t happened yet. Did you know that we up to 60% of our thoughts can be spend thinking about the past or worrying about the future! That doesn’t leave us much time to think about what is happening in the here and now.

The good news is you can learn techniques to help you deal more effectively with stressful situations Contact to start a conversation to find out how we can help you.

Do you look after You?

Where are you on the list of people you look after:

  • Children
  • Parents (or elderly relatives)
  • Friends
  • Partner
  • Colleagues
  • You

We all lead busy lives and at times it just feels like being on a never-ending hamster wheel – it just keeps going around getting faster and faster. People make more and more demands on your time. Shouting at it to slow down just results in it going faster! Do you want to get off the hamster wheel for a while to recharge your batteries?

Looking after yourself and your mental wellbeing is really important – if you are not functioning at 100% you can’t give your time and energy to the important people in your life. Even if you can give yourself 5 mindful minutes a day it will help. Bring some mindfulness into your life and it will help you feel more in control, particularly during those really hectic periods! Contact to start a conversation to find out how we can help you.

Are you stuck in a rut?

Are you happy with everything in your life? Is your job giving you satisfaction? Are you not being challenged enough or are you being challenged too much?

Don’t worry, you are not alone as many of us feel like this from time to time. But some of the changes can seem so huge or daunting that you don’t even know where to start. The best place to start is STOP! This is a simple acronym for S – stop; T – take a breath and see what is going on around you; O – look at your options and decide on the best course of action; P – proceed with your life and your actions.

If you are not sure of your options or may have too many options to choose from, then a coaching session will help. It will help you sort out the best way forwards and to help you begin to make things happen. Contact to start a conversation to find out how coaching can help you.

Are confidence issues holding you back?

I used to watch people, who apparently have loads of self-confidence, delivering presentations or chairing important meetings and say to myself “I’ll never be able to do that…..they have much more confidence than me”. Never in a million years did I think I would be able to stand up in front of a group of people and actually speak without going red or stumbling and stuttering over my words! The mere thought of it was enough to bring me out in a cold sweat. What I didn’t know at the time was the confident people were often quaking in their boots (just like me!).

Fast forward a few years and here I am standing up in front of audiences and delivering presentations and I love it. How did I do that? I realised that I was victim to my ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) “I’ll never be good at……” or “other people are so much better than me”. I needed to squash those ANTs to get me on track to being the best possible version of me. It hasn’t been an easy journey and I have just taken one step at a time, but if I can squash my ANTs then so can you.

I can help you build your self-confidence and to become the best possible version of you. Contact to start a conversation.

Coping with change

Changes at home or work happen all the time and we usually just take them in our stride. But when big changes come along, it can be quite a shock to your system. It may be a change that you weren’t expecting or the change may be just one too many in a series of changes. It could be a change at work, particularly if jobs are changing or even facing a redundancy. Changes at home can also have a big impact on how you are feeling, for example moving house or children going to university for the first time can be very stressful.

You need to have a lot of resilience tools in your personal toolkit to help you keep and maintain a positive mind-set and to help you deal with the changes when they come along.

We can help you build your resilience, cope more confidently and foster an optimistic thinking style when you face change at home or work. Contact to start a conversation and get your resilience toolkit boosted!

Dealing with setbacks or challenges

Dealing with a setback or a challenging situation is something that we have all had to deal with at some point in our lives. Some setbacks are minor and we can usually deal with them without really thinking about it. But some setbacks are major, such as not getting the job you had your hopes pinned on, or losing a contract that you need to keep your business afloat. Whether it is large or small, dealing with life’s setbacks and challenges can be tricky.

Having a great set of ‘resilience tools’ will help you deal with the impact and help you get back on track more quickly and easily. You will need are to understand and how to use your strengths – but do you know what strengths you have? You may also be falling into common thinking traps such as “I am useless at interviews…..I am never going to get my dream job”.

We can help you build your resilience, cope more confidently and foster an optimistic thinking style when you face a setback or challenge. Contact to start a conversation and get your resilience toolkit boosted!